Product keys, serial numbers, and software licenses are required in order to install or reinstall any software on your system. Usually, these are located on the original disc, or they are saved in your email id.
But, the problem surfaces when you want to reinstall a program and you are unable to locate the product key or serial number. Not to worry much now as there are a number of key finder programs that will come to your rescue.
How Key Finder Programs Work?
Even if you lose your product key, you can find it in the Windows Registry. But it is really difficult to retrieve it from there. So the solution to this issue is to have an effective key finder programs.
These key finder programs will scan the whole of your system and will jot down a list of all or any keys found on it. It will then list the keys found in the form of a report. Now, you can locate the required key and use it to reinstall your programs.
Here in this article, I have listed some of the best key finder programs for you. Take a look at these and get one for yourselves now. Most of these programs can be downloaded for free and will give you precise results.
List of Best Key Finder Programs
1. Belarc Advisor

The Belarc Advisor is the best key finder utility when it comes to finding product keys. It is a freeware and it can be easily downloaded and installed on your computer system. It makes use of the browser for displaying you the required information.
This utility will help you find product keys for many other software programs apart from those of Microsoft Office. It will display you a variety of information on the browser screen which includes an extensive list of computer data like machine’s RAM, motherboard, and processor details to name a few.
This is the best utility from an expert’s point of view as it displays precise information and that too in a very easy and intuitive way.
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2. Windows Product Key Finder Pro

Windows product key finder pro is also a free key finder program which is quite easy to use and understand. It has a very small download size. It has a very easy user interface with no menu options or extra features.
It helps to find the product keys within a few seconds. You can then copy, save or even print the product keys. This is a very compact and portable product.
As the name suggests it searches only Microsoft product keys or serial numbers. It is unable to find product keys or serial numbers of non Microsoft products.
Click here to install
3. The Magical Jelly Bean Key Finder

The magical jelly bean key finder is a freeware utility which can be used to retrieve keys from your Windows Registry. It comes with an easy to understand and use interface. But for the premium version, you will have to pay $29.95 for it.
The free version can retrieve keys for Microsoft Office programs and some 300 Non-Microsoft programs as well. But the premium version of this application can find keys for over 10,000 different applications.
It gives you the ability to find, copy, save and even print a hard copy of the product keys found by it.
Click here to install
4. Free PC Audit

As the name suggests Free PC Audit is freeware software which helps you get an audit of your system hardware and software. It will show details of all components of your system including the version and product keys of all the installed software.
Free PC Audit requires no installation and hence is a portable utility. It works for all Microsoft Office products and some of the non-Microsoft programs.
There are a few things I did not like are that first, it takes a bit of time to complete the first scan and second, you are not able to save only the product keys. You need to save all other information too when saving it.
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5. Win Key Finder
Win Keyfinder is another freeware utility which helps you find and save the product keys from the registry with ease. An advantage of this utility is its small downloadable size. Due to its small size, it requires no installation.
It is quick in displaying the results and it helps you retrieve keys for Windows, MS Office, .Net to name a few. It also allows you to modify the local windows registration information with not much difficulty.
The only disadvantage of this utility is that it is unable to find program keys for newer versions of MS Office.
Click here to install
6. Mac Product Key Finder

Do you have a Mac computer? Do you want to find out the lost product keys? Not to worry. Mac Product Key Finder is the program for you.
This is also a freeware program which helps you recover your lost product keys for software installed on your Mac computers. This product has two versions though; A free version and a professional version. If you wish to use the professional version then you need to purchase it for $29.95 only.
You can scan your system for the product keys with either version and can save the list for later use. Except that the professional version has a few additional features like deep scan, command line version, scan network Mac computers to name a few.
The only drawback of this is that both the versions will NOT work on apps purchased by you through the Mac App Store.
Click here to install
7. License Crawler

License Crawler is the best program to find the product keys in a speedy way. It finds product keys for many Microsoft Office and non-Microsoft programs as well and non-Microsoft programs as well.
It has a very simple interface. It is a portable program and can be easily used over the network too. You simply have to select the computer you want to scan over the network and within no time you get the results in front of you.
It provides you with a variety of options to define as well as refine your searches. This can also be downloaded for free.
Click here to install
8. ProduKey

ProduKey is another excellent program to find product keys with no additional cost. It has a user-friendly interface and it is quick to search for results.
It is a small application and hence it is portable. It helps you search for product keys for different Microsoft based applications installed on your system. But it lacks support for many non-Microsoft programs.
You can export your results to an HTML file to create a backup of the information retrieved. You can even copy the keys directly if you do not wish to export the same.
Click here to install
To Sum Up
There are a variety of products available for you to help find your lost product keys or serial numbers. You can choose from these products as per your requirement as some products would give you a detailed search as compared to some which will give you more precise results.
These products work on the same basic line but the choice of the product is ultimately yours. Hope you were able to find the product of your choice in order to retrieve the product keys.
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