The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most spoken-about buzzwords in the IT industry today. IoT has stood out to be a combination of electronics and programming. Its relevance today has opened up new horizons for those who are working in both industries. With numerous applications, this has been helping many people to launch and create new products within low time limits. Many new IDEs have mushroomed with the popularity of IoT. Some of the most popular and latest IDE’s are listed here:
1. Arduino IDE (Newest Version: ARDUINO 1.8.15)

Arduino is a company based in Italy that manufactures microcontroller boards, interactive objects, and kits that has created a full IDE to work on the hardware that they manufacture. It is the most preferred IDEs among all on the list. It is a complete package with many examples and pre-loaded libraries. Arduino is easy to use and implement so a 10-year-old enthusiast can work easily with it. This IDE includes support for the C and C++ programming languages for programmable microcontrollers.
2. Raspbian (Newest Version)

Created specifically for raspberry pi boards. This IDE comes with many packages and examples. Unlike Arduino IDE, it is not a part of the parent organization “The Raspberry Pi Foundation”, but was created by some enthusiasts. It is probably one of the best IDEs available for Raspberry Pi. It comes with over 35000 packages and pre-compiled software bundled in for easy installation.
3. OpenSCADA (Newest Version: 1.1)

Open SCADA is the companion project to Eclipse SCADA which is a project as a part of the Eclipse IoT Industry Working Group. It is based on the modern system design that provides security as well as flexibility. OpenSCADA includes advanced editing and debugging support. The introduction of newer versions has resulted in the development of a new support system. It provides a set of independent tools that can be combined in many ways by providing several libraries, interface apps, configuration tools, and front and back-end applications.
4. PlatformIO (Newest Version:5.2.0)

It is a cross-platform IDE with a unified debugger. PlatformIO is specifically used for IoT environment development. It contains over 400 embedded boards, 20+ development platforms, and many frameworks to choose from. With its excellent interface and modern approach, it is easy to use and update.
5. Eclipse IoT project (Kura) (Newest Version: 5.0.0)

The eclipse Kura is a java based open source development framework for applications on the Internet of Things. Exceptionally build for projects like Eclipse IoT challenge, Industrial Equipment Monitoring, etc. It is perfectly inclined towards development in the IoT field. The best part of using Kura is that it aggregates the open-source implementations for the least common applications applicable to M2M (Machine to Machine) applications.
With a wide variety of IDEs available for IoT Applications today, these are the few that have risen up to hardcore following and usage. Again It’s not about what IDE you use but is about the result you get out of them.
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