The Polygon cryptocurrency (MATIC) was previously known as the Matic Network. The network is currently a sidechain to the Ethereum blockchain, and the token is used to pay transaction fees and for other technical purposes. In May-June 2021, the cryptocurrency became in demand among investors, and its cost reached $2.62. This is due to the active development of the project in recent weeks. How to buy by making an lrc vs matic exchange or sell Polygon (MATIC) through exchanges, exchangers, or cryptocurrency wallets.
Buying Polygon (MATIC) through cryptocurrency exchanges
Cryptocurrency exchanges are the most common way to purchase digital assets. Instructions for buying or selling on a crypto exchange:
- Register if you don’t have an account yet.
- Get verified if necessary. You can often work with cryptocurrency without it, but fiat is regulated more strictly.
- Top up your account with the necessary assets, depending on whether you want to sell or buy tokens.
- Create a buy/sell order. You can use a limit order if you want to set a specific price for the transaction or a market order for a quick exchange at the nearest favorable cost.
- Withdraw the resulting funds to an external wallet.
How to buy MATIC cryptocurrency through an exchanger
With the help of exchangers, you can easily exchange one of your assets for others and do it anonymously without verification. In addition, this is a convenient way to purchase the necessary tokens immediately from a bank card.
Instructions for buying or selling through an exchanger:
- To buy with a card, you must specify the appropriate method by selecting the Buy/Sell Crypto tab.
- Enter quantity.
- Going to the payment provider’s website, enter the data for both the card and the holder.
- To buy other cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, select the Exchange Crypto tab.
- Specify the given and received coins, and their number.
- Send the given cryptocurrency to the wallet address the exchanger will issue and receive a response payment to your details. In the exchanger, you can exchange different cryptocurrencies, such as soul vs sol.
Wallets with the ability to buy Polygon (MATIC)
Purchasing tokens through a crypto wallet is convenient because there is no need to perform unnecessary operations, and the funds are immediately credited to the account. Although the commissions here are higher than in exchanges and exchangers, taking into account the savings on transaction fees, it turns out about the same.
Instructions for buying Polygon (MATIC) through cryptocurrency wallets:
- If the wallet supports card purchases, click the “Buy” button.
- Find the desired asset through the search.
- Enter quantity.
- Confirm the action and enter the card and holder details.
- If the wallet only allows you to exchange MATIC for another cryptocurrency, then go to the Exchange section.
- Specify the currency pair and the number of coins to be returned.
- Confirm the action.
Polygon aims to solve developers’ main problems when building decentralized applications. The more attention this project attracts, the more demand the token acquires because it feeds all transactions on the network. So far, Polygon has acted quite intelligently and consistently, as evidenced by the positive response from companies and the community. Not only retail investors are investing in the project, but also institutional ones, including Mark Cuban.
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