Have you ever experienced that your computer fan makes a loud noise all of a sudden or your laptop makes strange whirring noises while running? A desktop has a number of fans to cool the CPU, graphics card, cabinet, and SMPS. These fans being mechanical parts are bound to malfunction after some time. If you observe any abnormal sound on a desktop PC or a laptop, the fan is the most probable cause of this strange noise from them. This unwanted noise, if ignored can turn into a serious problem of processor or other chip getting burnt out due to excessive heat. So a timely action is required to fix the noisy computer in order to avoid any major faults.
Tips to fix computer noise
Step-1 Clean Computer Fans
Before you start to make your computer quieter, it is vital to know the exact cause of computer or laptop noise. So the first step is to shut down the desktop PC and open the side cover of the cabinet. Now there can be many fans operating inside the PC. Some of the fan types include.

- Fan installed on the processor
- Fan on the graphics card
- SMPS Fan
- Cabinet Case Vent Fan
You can closely hear the noise and track down the fan that is making noise. If the loud noise is coming from a processor fan or graphics card fan it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust from the fan. You can buy a handy vacuum cleaner designed for CPU cleaning from Amazon at a reasonable price. You can also control the errant fan behavior of the graphics cards by re-installing the drivers of the graphics card.
In case the CPU fan is still making noise, you need to change the processor fan. It is easy to replace the fan yourself. Not all CPU Fans are the same. The fan design depends on the type of CPU. You can check this article to know more about CPU fans.
If the loud sound is coming from the back side of a computer, it is either from a power supply (SMPS) fan or from the cabinet fan. To clean the dust from these fans, a blower is recommended. Make sure the power of the blower is not more than 550 watts. You can buy PC blowers from the Amazon site.
Step-2 Change Power Plan
High-performance power settings will rotate the CPU fan at higher RPM (more speed) which can also sound noisy in a quiet environment. Changing the power plan to power saver mode will allow the fan and other components to use lesser energy.
Go to Control panel > power options. Now select the power-save option. This step will certainly make your computer a bit quieter than before.

Step-3 Stop resource-consuming processes
Most of the apps and processes running in the background are high on resources, especially CPU. These CPU-hungry processes increase the temperature of the processor and in turn enhance the fan activity. In order to find these processes, open Task manager.

Press the Windows key and R buttons simultaneously on the keyboard to open the RUN command screen. Now type taskmgr and press the OK button, this will open task manager on your screen.
The next step is to find apps or processes that are consuming more than 50% of CPU resources. Find those processes, select them and click on End task to stop these processes.

Place the system in a cooler place to keep the computer quieter
All the above steps mentioned will help you fix the fan noise of your desktop computers. The CPU fan works according to the temperature inside the computer case as well as the ambient temperature in the room. So if the computer fans are all clean and you still feel the whirring noise from it, it becomes mandatory to keep the PC in a cooler place.
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