Everyone knows, stress has a very negative effect on the human body. It can cause many unpleasant chronic diseases that may not be treated, or even kill a person since human beings can die from an excessive amount of stress. But for each person, different levels of stress can be fatal, because everyone has their own level of stress resistance and endurance. But still, there are some jobs that are generally considered low-stress, and won’t do much harm with due diligence.
Not always stress at work is caused by the work that a person does. Sometimes a person’s attitude to work or his relationship with employees and superiors can cause a lot of stress. Or professions related to servicing people can be stressful, since at work you have to deal with a large number of people every day, and not all people are polite and adequate, unfortunately. Stressful work harms not only physical health but also mental. If you think that your job is doing you more harm than good, you might want to think about changing jobs, or the type of employment in general. Thanks to modern opportunities, you can change jobs not only to work in your own country, but you can also try to work in another country. If you don’t want to leave your country, but would like to try remote work in another country, you can search for work-from-home jobs abroad, and you can find any type of employment there.
What jobs can be considered low-stressed?
First of all, this is the job that you like, and the salary which will satisfy all your needs, and will even remain a little to postpone. Also, in order for the work to be comfortable, it is necessary for you to have all the initial data so that your work is natural and simple for you. For example, this is the required level of qualification and sufficient knowledge. Also, when choosing a job, you must definitely take into account your temperament, character, features, and so on. Or be able to adapt to any circumstances in life, and find your place everywhere.
Top 10 low-stress jobs
Life coach
If you have a good understanding of people and know how to give them good advice, this job is well suited for you. It will also be ideal for people who know how to quickly get acquainted and establish the necessary contact with any person. Such workers are needed in order to motivate a person or a group of people to achieve certain goals, as well as help them and guide them in the right direction. No level of education is required for this job.
Do you see beauty in everything? If you also know how to use a camera, then you may well try yourself as a photographer. There are different areas in which you can work, for example, be a photographer for bloggers, a wedding photographer, or even a photo artist if you have certain skills. If you are not confident in your skill in this area, there are courses that will help you improve your skills. Or some colleges have such a specialty.
Solar Photovoltaic Installer
Despite the fact that this is a rather difficult job, now with the trend to reduce the carbon footprint and care for the environment, such work is quite low-stress and is also in demand. Many people today use solar energy as an alternative source of electricity, and for this, they need people who’ll ensure that they are able to have what they want. If you haven’t worked with such systems before, you may have to learn some things.
Freelance Writer
A good job for those who love and know how to express all their thoughts in writing. This work can include a huge number of different directions, and there is plenty to choose from, even if you don’t really know what you really want. Working remotely, you can be hired by a company, or carry out private orders for clients, and earn money on it. Depending on the place of work and the requirements for employees are completely different, but in any case, you need to have a good command of the language in which you are going to work.
Helping students before exams, or explaining an incomprehensible topic in a subject can also be monetized. Working with children and students is not the most peaceful job, and they can annoy you by not understanding things that are obvious to you. But if that doesn’t seem like a big deal to you, this is a job worth considering. In addition, a big plus is that being a tutor you can easily be from home, and you do not have to go somewhere every day as a teacher.
Social Media Manager
Who doesn’t use social media today? It seems that only those who do not have access to the Internet. Content creators, who actually make content for social networks, also need managers who’ll help plan the content, and possibly assist in its creation. The salary of such workers is directly dependent on the income of the one for whom they work, so it is in your best interest to work well. You may need to have some kind of education to work in such a position, as this is an important job today.
Farm Manager
The work of these workers is not to clean up after the animals, it should be said right away. But you’ll need to keep a record of everything that happens on your farm, make recommendations for improvement, organize other workers and perhaps help with something around the farm manually. To work in such a job, you need to have an understanding of work in agriculture or farming or have the appropriate qualifications.
Lovers of books and silence – come here. The library is a great place to work for people who love peace and order. They also have a good memory in order to remember what is where and be able to tell visitors where they should search to find books that they’re looking for.
Animal Caretaker
Work for animal lovers. For this kind of work, you do not need to have any special qualifications, but it’s important to know everything about the animals with which you’ll be working, and in general to be able to work with them. With this skill, you can work in various places.
This job is to convert audio information into text documents. This is a very important job for various places like courts, legal, hospitals, and also for some bloggers. In order to work in such a job, you need to know the language in which you work well, as well as good computer skills.
Should you change your career if your current job is very stressful?
In general, ideally, you should change jobs if you even just don’t like it. It may bring little stress, which on average, does not negatively affect you, but if you hate it, it can be a burden to you. And this is without taking into account the stress received at work. It’s important to understand that every job will have a stressful part, even if you love the place you work in and what you do. But if because of your work you get so stressed that you no longer feel positive at all, this clearly indicates that it’s time to change jobs. By continuing to work in such a place, you’ll not benefit anyone, your ability to work will suffer greatly from stress, as well as your health and mental state, which can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, if you see that you are incurring only losses from work, you should try to change the type of employment or place of work. If you’re not sure about your decision, consult with people close to you whom you trust and who can give you good advice.
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