Ever since Apple announced the Vision Pro headset, Meta, the company behind that owns the credit for Oculus Quest VR headsets, is devising plans in perfect response to the announcement. Meta is worried about the competition posed by Apple and is willing to develop VR headsets that are easier on the pockets of the target audience, and more user-friendly.
To ensure this, Meta is working on a VR headset that will be priced at a lower range and more comfortable to wear. What more? They are planning on selling the headsets without any controllers. This will further help to slash down the cost and make the product available to the customers at a cheaper rate.
Meta’s focus is shifting from the metaverse, a virtual world, to stressing more practical uses such as productivity and gaming. This is because although Apple’s Vision Pro headset is expensive, it allows all kinds of practical applications.
Metaverse’s next headset, codenamed Ventura, is much more affordable than Quest 3, which is cheaper than Apple’s Vision Pro. Another interesting feature is that Meta’s Ventura is considering allowing people to use hand gestures and not controllers. If they want to use controllers still, they can purchase one separately.
It is remarkable how Apple is still committed to making advanced mixed-reality devices that can provide an immersive experience to customers. At the same time, they are also working on a better and more improved version of Vision Pro, which will be lighter, smaller, and priced at a lower rate. However, this version will not likely be available for a few years.
Apple is facing tough competition from Meta, which constantly comes up with cheaper options that might appear more appealing to the audience.
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