Nowadays the online side of your business can often be one of the most, if not the most important part.
With the vast majority of people having a connection to the internet whenever they go through their phone, it is quicker and easier than ever for potential customers to search for restaurants, and find information such as cuisine type and reviews. The moment someone searches on the internet for the kind of food they want or the restaurants near them, they can instantly be connected with all the information they need to have in order to make a choice about which place they want to visit, and you want to be one of the options that come up for them.
Therefore, you need to have a great internet presence and a good idea of what your likely competitors are up to. So, how can you ensure that your restaurant is easily found on the internet for diners to see?
Well, below we have put together a guide with steps you can take to make this happen.
1. Create a Blog
Blogging isn’t as complicated as it was when it was first introduced, in fact, these days, you only need the most basic of I.T skills to start a blog on a site where you don’t even have to pay.
Just a quick online search will tell you the possible blogging platforms you can use for free, and how to get started. Not only is writing blogs really popular, but people searching for blogs for information is very popular as well.
Set up a page full of all the information that will help people make the choice to visit you, such as the menu, prices, opening times, special offers, pictures, and anything else you can think of. Make sure your page is aesthetically pleasing and clear in the layout and format.
2. Register in Eat App
Eat App is a fantastic app where restaurants can register their business and receive orders and/or reservations. On the app, users can see information about your restaurant, including the menu and pictures, and is a great way to entice customers to come visit or order from you, especially because restaurant reservation apps are more popular than ever at the moment due to the amount of convenience it has added to many people’s lives.
This software has high traffic and is an easy way to get advertising for your restaurant just from a simple registration process.
3. Join Social Media
Never underestimate the power of social media, all it takes is one post on one of the platforms to become a hit and you suddenly have thousands of new people aware of your business.
Additionally, this is a great way to interact with customers and possible customers, provide information and give followers visual content that will have them wanting to come and see your food in person. Social media is a sure-fire way to connect your business with thousands of consumers.
4. Invite Bloggers
A popular blogger can attract a lot of attention to your restaurant, so reach out to bloggers offering for them to come and sample some of your best dishes for free in exchange for advertisement on their blog or other online platforms.
5. Investigate Your Competition
Spokeo is an amazing piece of software that allows you to find out all the information that is available on someone just by doing a reverse phone lookup using their phone number. Simply input a phone number into the phone number search and Spokeo will carry out a reverse search and come back with any and all data on the person connected with that number.
This is a great way for you to investigate your competition and get ahead of the game since you will have all their information at your disposal from this search. In particular, any social media accounts or other online presence they may have, or that is associated with that phone number, you can then use this information to change your style if theirs is very successful, and see what other tricks of the trade they are using online to make their business stand out or draw a lot of customers.
The level of importance for your restaurant to have a professional and present online side is clear, time after time it has been shown that businesses do far better if people can find information on them quickly and easily, or are able to follow any online content from said business. So, don’t hold off focusing on the online side for another day, follow the simple steps above and see how much it can change your restaurant
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