Deepfake voice involves the use of AI technology to mimic any person’s voice. The technology has advanced to such an extent that it can generate a cloned voice of a person with an exact accent, cadence, and tone, making it feel real.
The original purpose behind its invention was to improve human life. For example, to help people hear the voices of their lost loved ones and create audiobooks.
Over time, its misuse cases surfaced, and the questions concerning its ethical use became hot topics in social media and on various news platforms. Now it has become hard to decide whether the Deepfake voice technology is good for the entire world or not.
How Does Deepfake Voice Work?
A Deepfake voice is produced using AI technology and robust computing power. Computers listen to around 10–20 seconds of audio and comprehend the unique characteristics of the target’s voice. Then a modified text-to-speech algorithm is used to fake the victim’s voice. The whole task hardly takes a minute; in fact, it can be accomplished within a few seconds.
Why did “Deepfake Voice” become such a big deal?
In January 2023, netizens employed “voice cloning” and “speech synthesis” by Eleven Labs (an online AI speech software provider site) to clone the voices of renowned stars, including Emma Watson, Joe Rogan, and Ben Sharpie. The voices were cloned to produce abusive messages and spread racism. When celebrities started raising their voices against this, it turned into a huge issue and sparked ethical concerns.
Ethical Concerns: A Deepfake Voice is an Unethical Voice
In the coming years, Deepfake voices are going to give birth to serious concerns. Evil-minded people pose a great threat to the secure utilization of this technology. Here are some possible threats that such people can create by misusing this technology:
- Leaving derogatory remarks using celebrity voices
- Deceive people by sending them phony audio.
- Create a fake recording to promote discrimination.
- Making bogus phone calls
- Defraud people with deep fake voice calls and steal their money.
- Invade anyone’s privacy by spoofing
How to Use Voice Deepfake Correctly?
The Deepfake voice is the pinnacle of technological advancement. It can benefit various industries, including marketing, healthcare, education, movies, etc. Below are the beneficial uses of this technology:
- Advertising. Product promotion with region-specific pronunciation becomes smooth with a Deepfake voice.
- Audiobook. Books become more interesting in the author’s voice. Using the Deepfake voice, the narrator’s voice can be changed to the author’s voice.
- Dubbing. Deepfake voice streamlines the dubbing process, making it livelier.
- Hear Lost Voices. People who have lost their voice as a result of a medical condition can use Deepfake voice technology to converse in their voice.
- Animation and Gaming. Deepfake voices make it easy to produce the desired voices of animation and game characters.
Final Words
Technologies are meant to make people’s lives comfortable. Using them in inappropriate ways can lead to treacherous outcomes. Deepfake voice is neither good nor bad; it is simply a technology, and how we use it makes a difference. As humans, we owe it to ourselves to put it to good use and utilize it in the best possible way.
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