Apple has launched the HomePod mini in a new “midnight” color, made entirely from recycled mesh fabric. This compact smart speaker, just 3.3 inches tall, delivers robust sound quality and features a seamless, acoustically transparent mesh design with an illuminated touch surface. Starting July 17, it will be available alongside other vibrant colors like yellow, orange, blue, and white.
The HomePod mini offers access to over 100 million songs through Apple Music and supports various audio setups, including mono, stereo, and multiroom. It integrates with Apple TV 4K for a home theater experience and utilizes Siri for voice-controlled music searches and smart home management. Features include intercom capabilities, room temperature and humidity monitoring, smart home automation, and smoke or carbon monoxide alarm alerts.
Priced at INR 10,900, the HomePod mini in midnight will be available for order on and in Apple Store locations across multiple countries, starting July 17. Selected carriers and authorized resellers will also offer the device.
Key Features at a Glance
The newly launched HomePod mini offers several advanced features:
- Compact and Stylish Design: The HomePod mini is just 3.3 inches tall and features an acoustically transparent mesh fabric. The new midnight color, made from 100% recycled materials, complements existing colors like yellow, orange, blue, and white. The edge-to-edge backlit touch surface adds a modern touch.
- High-Quality Sound: Despite its small size, the HomePod mini delivers impressive sound quality. It supports various audio setups, including mono, stereo, and multiroom configurations, ensuring immersive audio experiences throughout your home.
- Apple Music Integration: With access to a library of over 100 million songs, the HomePod mini allows users to enjoy their favorite music with ease. Siri can assist in searching for songs by artist, lyrics, decade, genre, mood, or activity, providing a personalized music experience.
- Smart Home Capabilities: The HomePod mini integrates seamlessly with smart home devices. Users can control lights, locks, and other smart home gadgets with voice commands. The device also supports setting up smart home automation, monitoring room temperature and humidity, and sending alerts for smoke or carbon monoxide alarms.
- Intercom Feature: The intercom functionality allows users to broadcast messages to other HomePod devices in different rooms, making communication within the home convenient and efficient.
- Home Theater Experience: When paired with Apple TV 4K, the HomePod mini enhances the home theater experience by providing high-quality audio for movies and TV shows.
- Privacy and Security: Apple emphasizes privacy, ensuring that voice recordings are not linked to the user’s Apple ID and that all communications are encrypted.
- Availability and Pricing: The HomePod mini will be available starting July 17, priced at INR 10,900. It will be sold through Apple’s online store, Apple Store locations, select carriers, and authorized resellers in multiple countries.
For more detailed information, you can visit Apple’s HomePod mini page.
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