Smoking is injurious to health not just for you but also for everyone who surrounds you when you smoke. Smoking leads to a large number of problems as well as a wide range of diseases. As per the latest study on smoking diseases among adults, smoking is an unhealthy habit that affects almost all organs of the body.
Cigarettes contain nicotine which induces addiction to it. This addiction makes the person irritable, increases his / her anxiety, and even has adverse effects on concentration levels.
Are you tired of smoking? Are you trying hard to quit smoking? If yes, then go ahead and get an app for you to help you quit this habit easily.
List of Quit Smoking Mobile Apps
Once a person is addicted to smoking, be it in any form, it becomes very challenging to quit smoking. But yes if a person is determined enough then quitting smoking becomes easier and this will lead you to a good quality and healthy life ahead.
So if you are one of those who have picked up this unhealthy habit of smoking then go ahead and kick this bad habit of yours away with the help of these Quit Smoking mobile apps.
1 QuitNow! Quit Smoking
QuitNow! is an apt app as it has a crisp and elegant design with a colorful, easy-to-use, and user-friendly interface. It has been rated as one of the top apps for helping many users quit their smoking habit.
It has a superior community base that offers regular chats with users who have been successful in saying bye to smoking. Having a word with them enables you to keep focus and give up smoking with not much difficulty.
This app engages you well with its achievements section. This section comprises goals to be achieved by you that keep your efforts to kick away smoking focused. As a result, you can quit smoking much more easily.
This is a free app and it can be downloaded on both Android as well as iOS Devices.
2 Butt Out
If you are serious about quitting your smoking habit then give the Butt Out app a try. This app is well equipped to accept different methods of quitting cigarettes i.e. be it tapering off or be it stop turkey method this app welcomes all.
This app maintains a log of all your health-related records in real-time and it gives you frequent tips and tricks to control your cravings and improve your health further. It also displays an approximation of how much money you have saved by not smoking to date.
This app is a paid app but it pays off well and helps you to a great extent to leave you as a no-more-smoking person. Go ahead and have a try for yourselves.
Download iOS
3 Smoke-Free
The Smoke-Free app is yet another useful app for smoking quitters. You are given an account of how much money you have saved and the number of cigarettes you have avoided. This app also displays health-related information which shows how your health is improving with each passing day.
You will be given different tasks related to stopping smoking which is referred to as a mission. This app also gives you different badges at different points in time depending on your performance in those missions.
If at any point you have any form of cravings then you can log into the app and get a load of tips on how you can find a solution to the problem. This keeps you motivated not to give up your challenge of quitting smoking.
This is a free app and it can be downloaded on both Android as well as iOS Devices.
4 Quit Smoking Now by Max Kirsten
Quit Smoking Now the app has been voted as the best app to quit smoking by Medical News Today. Apart from this, the app has fetched many other awards in its pocket.
Kirsten himself is an award winner and has helped many well-known celebrities to quit this habit of smoking. So through his app, he motivates you thoroughly to quit smoking with well-versed sessions of FAQs, recorded audio, and videos.
The dashboard of the app provides you with details about the number of days you have not smoked, the number of cigarettes not smoked during the period, and also the amount of money you have saved over the period.
This app would cost you little in your pocket but it is worth the amount you spend. As of now, this app is available on iOS only.
Download iOS
5 Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking
The Quit Tracker app will keep you motivated with its tasks to be accomplished by you. In return, after you reach a milestone, you are rewarded too.
It has a health tab indicating the positive effects of not smoking on your health which helps you motivate and push yourself to achieve your goal to be a nonsmoker and lead a healthy lifestyle more effortlessly.
This app has a tracking system that lets you track the amount of money and the amount of life you have to save by not smoking cigarettes.
This is free to download the app with a few ads and in-app purchases. This app is available for download on the Android platform as of now.
App Link Android
6 Kwit: Smoking Cessation
Kwit app is yet another good app with a game mechanism. It comprises 84 different levels to be achieved by you to quit smoking. The profile screen shows you statistics like health, willpower, life, and time passed since you last smoked to name a few.
It provides you with a dashboard having a monitor feature. This feature keeps track of your progress. It gives you regular tips which are helpful to avoid cravings for smoking. Moreover, you can share your progress on social media also with the help of this app.
It provides you with statistics like the number of cigarettes you haven’t smoked, the amount of money saved by you in the progress, and the status of your willpower. These statistics boost you and motivate you further to say goodbye to smoking.
This free app can be downloaded on both Android as well as iOS with some in-app purchases.
7 Quit Smoking Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis app allows its users to have daily audio sessions which are more effective and you are motivated towards achieving your goal. The audio has a very soothing and calm voice with peaceful background music which helps you relax.
By using this app you can opt to disable some features when you feel like taking a restful sleep after the session finishes. You even have the option to loop or repeat the sessions.
You can also opt to continue listening to the background sound (from a list of background sounds) at the end of the session. This helps you increase your willpower and stay focused.
This is free to download the app with some in-app purchases for Android users as of now.
App Link Android
8 Quit It Lite
Quit It Lite is a motivational app that gives you immense support and encouragement for quitting smoking. It also helps ex-quitters to stay away from smoking by listing the benefits of not smoking.
This app gives you details about the number of cigarettes you haven’t smoked and an estimate of the amount of money saved by you during the progress.
You can define your goals here and the app ranks you according to your performance. Once you accomplish your goals, you can share your achievements with your friends and family.
Download iOS
9 Flamy
You have two options when it comes to quitting smoking with Flamy. Choose “one less every day” or go over to the “14 Days Challenge” if you want to see quick results.
With this application, you find various ways to challenge yourself to live a smoking-free life. The best part of this application is that it gives you new challenges to reduce smoking and lead a healthy life. It has certain games that distract smokers from smoking, and hence anybody can stop the cravings for smoking. Flamy has diverse motivational cards to keep people interested in the application so that they can divert their minds. If you or someone from your acquaintance smokes, try recommending this application. It can improve their health from scratch.
Download Android
Final Words on Apps to Quit Smoking
In this article, I have discussed some of the best apps that will help you to quit your smoking habit with ease and comfort. Go ahead and download the app that suits you the best now and get rid of your habit of smoking.
It is right to say that, Smoking is one of those unhealthy habits that are not just harmful to the person who does so but is also harmful to those persons who live around them. Hence smoking is injurious to the health of both. So, quit smoking today.
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