There are times when you need to clear the file access history since you do not want to reveal to other users, the files you have worked on recently on a windows system. By default, all the files or folders you open are saved in the quick search history. There is a simple way in windows 10 to clear all the quick search history at once.
Steps to Clear Recent File History in File Explorer
Before you start clearing the file history in windows explorer, you can see the list of recently opened files and folders. Open This PC from the desktop and click on Quick Access from the sidebar menu or type file explorer in the Cortana search box in windows 10 to directly open it.
You can clear the file history in just one step by doing a setting in the file explorer options. You can navigate to this setting by following three ways.
The first way is to go to the File menu in file explorer and from the drop-down menu, click on options.
The second way to open the settings is by typing file explorer options in the Cortana search bar.
The third way to open the file explorer settings to clean recent file history is to click on File explorer options in the control panel as shown in the screenshot below.
Now after opening file explorer options in either of the above ways, you need to navigate to the general tab and under the privacy heading, click on the clear button.
If you have used a laptop or PC of your friend or your system is shared by a family, you can hide your recent file history by following the above method. If you want the system not to save the recent file history, you can un-click the two options in the privacy setting as shown in the previous image. In case you have opened some files using the search bar in file explorer you need to clear the search history in windows.
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