Let me confess… I am not a “WhatsApp group” person. I do understand the worth of one to one chat with my close friends or clients. But to be in a WhatsApp group and participate in daily chit-chat with multiple people is not my cup of tea. I am beyond the rituals of G’mornings, G’nights, forwarding jokes or fanatic viral stuff. I usually feel irritated with frequently circulating jokes and memes.
Being a decent human being I also do not want to hurt my acquaintances by exiting groups. It looks rude and unsocial. Who wants to earn this tag?? If you are also sharing these feelings with me then here is a decent and polite way to stop others from adding you to unwanted groups.
After suggestions of many such pestered users, WhatsApp has finally added this option. It is an option that when set by the user prohibits anyone to add you in a group without your consent. Whenever someone tries to do so you will receive a message from that person or group asking for your permission to permit him to add in a group. If you are sure that it is the group that you will never want to miss say yes else you can simply deny the offer.
Steps to Set this Option in WhatsApp
- Open WhatsApp and open the settings

- Go to Account -> Privacy -> Groups.

- You will get three options to select from

- Everyone. If this option is checked anyone whether she is in the contact list or not will be able to add you in a group without your permission
- My Contacts. If this option is checked people who are in your contact list will be able to add you in a group. Those who are not in your contact list will be told to seek your permission
- My Contacts Except. If this option is checked all people except those whom you have selected will be able to add you in a group. Those people whom you have checked out here will never be able to do so without your permission.
If you have selected My contacts and someone tries to add you in a group will get this message

She must select “Invite to Group” option to get the next message

On clicking on the arrow next to “Invitation to my WhatsApp Group” you will receive the following WhatsApp message

Now, here is the moment of decision. If you wish to oblige this Person, just press the “Join group” else ignore this invitation.
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