Work, no matter what you do for a living, can be hard at times. While you might enjoy it and, in many cases, wouldn’t see yourself doing anything else, it doesn’t mean it can’t be a struggle sometimes.
It’s for this reason, then, that in any way you can make it a little easier, it can be very much welcomed. Here are just a few ways you can do this.
Try the Power Hour
Most people work for 8 hours a day but so much of this doesn’t actually work. If you get involved in lunch, breaks, meetings, chatting with colleagues, making coffees, etc., it’s no surprise that you always feel like you’re falling behind.
Putting aside one hour a day where you power through your work can truly make a difference. It’s so surprising what you can get done when you promise yourself no distractions for just a short amount of time.
Limit Your Meetings
This might be easier said than done, especially if you aren’t in some sort of managerial position. However, if you can limit your meetings in any way, you will really see the benefit when it comes to your workload.
Meetings are vital, especially if there are some people that work remotely on your team. Having said that though, meeting overload is certainly a real thing and should definitely be avoided where possible.
This can be done by either having something like a meeting-free day per week or only scheduling meetings at a certain time per day. This way, you know when you will have time to get work done.
Stay Clutter-free
Having a clear workspace is so important for staying productive. Having a lot of mess can make even the simplest tasks so much harder.
This doesn’t just mean the things on your desk though, as your devices can be just as cluttered. Poor file and database management can really take its toll as things become so much harder to find; SQL training can be a great solution to this.
Talk to your Boss
Sometimes, no matter how much you do to try and make your work easier, nothing works. This could be a sign that your workload is really too much and isn’t feasible in most cases.
This is more common than you think, as people often fall into the habit of taking on more than they can handle or not saying ‘no’ when they should. If you’ve found that no amount of overtime or rearranging things puts a dent into your work, it may be time to speak to your boss.
You may be surprised just how easy this might be, as no one in the team wants work to slip because someone is taking on too much. From asking for an extended deadline to seeing whether another team member can support you, there are so many ways they can ease your workload for you.
Work may never be easy, but you can truly make it easier for yourself.
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