Managing money and restricting your budget is considered important to be on the safer side of expenditure at the end of the month. Some sales and offers may look too attractive, but to avoid them is a trade to learn to end up your month comfortably. While traveling either for pleasure or professional endeavors requires one to track the expenditures en route. You will never want to cross the financial limits set for this particular endeavor. To assist you, a number of money-managing apps are available that you can install on your Android Smartphone. You can even get money-saving answers and advice online from TurboTax Live tax experts without ever having to leave your home in Philadelphia, Oakland, Chicago, or anywhere else in the United States. These are just meant to take the worries off your mind and let you concentrate on the task at hand. Here is a list of the best money management apps for budgeting and managing personal finance in a better way.
Money Manager by Realbyte Inc.
With this money management app, you can plan your expenses and track them for any deviation from your planned expenditure. This is one of the best personal asset management tools you may own.
Use this manager to track your personal and professional transactions. For analysis, you have the option to launch the expenditure reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
The Money Manager is based on double entry bookkeeping of accounting that manages incomes and expenditures. The best feature of this app is that you can have a graphical view of your budget allocation and the expenses done by you. Any kind of diversion will be immediately visible and you can restrict your next expenses to remain on target.
Money Manager also helps in linking your credit and debit cards and managing the debits and credits. If you need to transfer money between your assets you can easily do so. It can perform an automatic transfer to various segments like salary, insurance, deposits, and loans periodically.
If you want to monitor a specific expense, it can be bookmarked. Categorization of assets and analysis on the basis of categorization makes the work a lot easier. Backing up the expenditure statements as an excel file is an additional benefit to draw another kind of inference.
This budgeting app is available both as a free and paid version. The free version allows the addition of only 10 assets and permits ads and offers. Paid version prohibits all kinds of ads and you can create unlimited assets for management.
My Money Manager by YDoodle
The second app on this list is a good tool to monitor your income and expenses and manage your savings. It is supported by “easy to understand” graphs that may help you in planning better in the coming months. Decision-making on the basis of data about incomes, expenditures, and savings is far easier.
YDoodle has kept the interface highly simple and easy to use. You don’t have to go through a complex process to learn to monitor your financial status.
The entry system is highly responsive and easy to input your daily transactions. You can edit the existing income and expenses according to your changing needs. The time periods that you want to analyze can be chosen as per your need from monthly and yearly options.
Entry of transactions can be sorted by date to see the transactions date-wise. As far as the reporting system is concerned, avail the assistance of interactive charts that make a lucid presentation of numeric data in an attractive and easy-to-understand manner.
The expenses can be grouped and viewed on the basis of categories. The history of your expenses can help you identify your weakness so that you can tighten your purse strings at a weak moment of spending. You can backup data on an SD card but no other options like exporting to excel or any other format is a slight letdown.
Money Lover by Finsify
To begin with, this app is a winner all the way since it is awarded editor’s choice and top app of 2016. It is one stop tool to manage your income and bills by defining the right budget for you. This is an easy app since you can select the category right at the time of saving your expenditure and income.
The best part is you can create customized categories of your expenses and link them to your budget. Once this is done, you can easily check if you are sticking to your budget or have fell prey to some discounts and offers. The feature I like the most is that this app forecasts the budget and lets me know where I can squeeze the expenses in the coming days so that the budget does not get affected.
It helps you with the needed reports related to balance, expenses, income, debts, and loans. You can see how much you have to spend for a specific duration on a certain category of expenses. You can scan and preserve receipts to know about your expenses.
It is a money management app with any kind of money coming as cash, linked to multiple bank accounts while handling different currencies at one location. It works with PayPal as well and can be implemented as a shared wallet. It is best for the people who work for overseas clients.
It reminds you about the recurring expenses that you need to take care of. Saving your data and converting it to other formats is easy with its backup facility and sharing option with Dropbox or email. It does show the ad content which can be a bit annoying. The app is updated with every version of Android. One limitation that may make you think once is that it allows linking with Banks in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia only. For others, you can use PayPal.
Monefy – Money Management App by MonefyApp
The simple step of noting down each expense you make on your Smartphone is the easiest way to manage your expenses if you have an app like Monefy. It is rightly called the Money Manager since it manages all the money you have. Fill in the expense and just a click is enough to manage everything.
The additional benefits are plenty. Synchronize your monetary data between your Smartphone and Tablet with the Dropbox account in between. You can add and edit categories at your convenience. Existing records of your transactions can be deleted or updated.
It comes with the most convenient interface that is easy to learn and use. The graphical representation of transactions as a self-explanatory chart is not only easy to understand but can also be expanded to see the details. I like the feature that gives me the flexibility of defining the period for which I want to see the transactions and their effect on my budget. I can choose the currency according to my needs.
Monefy allows me to export and back up the reports with one click. It blocks the ads and provides password security. Anybody laying hands on your device will not be allowed to see your financial transactions. With support for multiple accounts, you can rely on this handy app to manage and monitor your budget.
Expense Manager by BishiNews
Another app in the category of money managers, this one cares for your expenses and income securely and reliably. The users can implement security by creating a PIN in the settings of this app. The best advantage of this app is it’s being a single platform for multiple accounts.
You have the flexibility to link the app with the Wi-Fi to a PC or laptop. Managing your financial transactions and reports becomes a lot easier than using the reports on a Smartphone. Syncing with a computer was never this easy.
If you purchase the items belonging to different categories in the same transaction, Expense Manager helps you in splitting it. This will help you in recording items to different categories of expenses. Expense manager is a great money management app to automatically handle recurring amounts like rent, insurance premiums, loan repayments, and much more.
If you want to keep the receipts of the purchases, you can do so with the app by preserving its image. Two really beneficial features are tracking of tax you are paying, debts, and mileage. Using this app is very easy with its interactive and perceptive interface.
Money management is just a few clicks that include your spending details, the money you have paid matching them with your planned budget. This app is completely free. Looking at the features it offers, this one is a great bargain. It works seamlessly with your credit cards. It also understands the SMS from your banks to you. You can issue and print checks through this app. It has a respectable position due to stable features and updates, getting a 4.3-star rating from more than 54K users.
Install these Money Management Apps for Budgeting
Not being able to control your expenses or keep track of debts and personal finance? You can streamline all your budgeting with the help of the aforementioned money management apps, it makes things a lot easier. So act now and install one of these apps. Do share your views in the comments section if they helped you in managing the money.
Carlos Hansell says
Your blog have nice information, I got good ideas from this amazing blog.
Amelia Walker says
HAy, Thanks for sharing this article. You can also add Moon Invoice to your list as it’s also the best expense management app for businesses.