There are many ways to interact with your files online. Some methods are more secure than others. This is important because not all systems protect privacy and security equally well, so it can be beneficial for you to compare the different options.
This article will compile a list of the best file-sharing systems and what features make them secure.
What is Protected File Sharing?
Protected file-sharing means your identity and personal files are protected from prying eyes. It usually involves some encryption where only those who know the code can read or open files.
Types of Protected File Sharing Systems
Secure File Transfer Protocol or SFTP
SFTP is a secure file sharing protocol that permits you to download and upload documents from any computer using your private key.
This is better than FTP because it does not provide for public access. However, it can be challenging to set up, but the technical support team will help you with this if necessary.
Encrypted File Sharing Sites or EFS
These are also known as encrypted file-sharing sites. These let you share encrypted files that are not accessible to the public. Some examples of these include Ef Shares and Cloudfogger.
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is a secure way to save files that are not on your computer but rather in the cloud. This means you can access it from anywhere and on any computer with an internet connection.
Secure File Transfer Features
Use an Encrypted Password
Using an encrypted password in file sharing is an essential feature. You want to make sure that your private files are not available to anyone. This will prevent hackers from using your files for their means, and they can’t steal them from you.
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication can be very useful if your account is hacked. Two-factor authentication means that you need two forms of identification to log in. This makes it harder for hackers to get into your account. It also means that if someone could get hold of one code, they would still not access the version without the second code.
Encrypted Connections
It’s also a perfect idea to ensure that you’re using encrypted connections when you are accessing your secure file sharing system. If not, people could potentially gain access to your files. If you are looking for a file-sharing system, be sure to check out Egnyte which checks off all your security, visibility, and control IT needs.
Multi-User Notifications
Multi-user notifications are a key element to ensuring that only the person logged in can see your files. This means that people need to be logged in before they can open your files. This prevents people from sharing your account with others, getting into your system, and stealing files for their means.
Secure File Transfer Tips for Businesses
File Lock and File Sharing
If you have a business, it is vital to think about file locking your data. This would mean that a file would be inaccessible if you were not logged in to your computer. This can prevent people from sharing the files and getting into your system.
File locking is essential at work if you’re using secure file sharing since no one can access the files, but you and no one else have the code to open the files, which means they would be trapped.
File Attachments
If you are using a secure file transfer system that allows attachments, it’s a good idea to keep the number of attachments small. This means that if a hacker gets into your account, they don’t have access to all your files.
Passwords and Encryption Keys
It is also important to keep track of passwords and encryption keys. This way, it is easier to stay in control of the files even if someone does get ahold of them. Since you are the only one with access to the encryption keys, you know that they are safe.
When you are looking for a secure file transfer system, you need to make sure that it has all the features you need. You don’t want to have someone asking you why they can’t see the files you’re sharing. You want to be sure that your files are secure from prying eyes.
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