If you have Jailbroken your device and you use snapchat on daily basis, you must reconsider using that application because Apple is temporarily banning the Snapchat accounts. Snapchat is not giving access to those iPhone users who have Jailbroken their devices.
Your jailbroken iphone can put you in trouble because Apple is banning the accounts of some users temporarily and permanently as well. As we all know is that Apple didn’t authorize its users to jailbreak the device because when you do that, all the controls applied by the company cannot work anymore and you can do anything with the device you want.
How to Deal with this?
Using a jailbroken phone alone is not responsible for a ban on Snapchat. There are some of the other reasons as well which includes violating some securities of Snapchat like using some other application to customize the application or saving a picture of a person with no notification to the other person. Usually, when you take a screenshot or save a picture, the person will know about it, this clearly means that you are violating terms and conditions.
It is necessary to verify your email and phone number. If these activities continue for a long time, Snapchat will ban your account either temporarily or permanently.
Apple has taken this thing seriously because most of the applications are not allowed by the company to be installed on iPhones but still users find a way to get out of the restrictions, Apple has laid on them. After Jail-breaking iPhone, a person can install as many third party applications as they want since they are out of any restriction then. Apple has now started blocking the accounts temporarily and in some cases, permanently. Previously, Apple was banning only those accounts that were using customized version of the official app, but now, it has given a strict warning to stop using jailbroken devices.
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