The internet users today want streamlined WiFi and prefer wifi over their provider’s data service. Hotspot 2.0 or commonly known as HS2 is the latest networking standard for a secure and seamless connection with public access points. HS2 has been certified as Wi-Fi passpoint by Wi-Fi Alliance. The hotspot 2.0 is based on IEEE 802.11u standard and if the device is compatible with 802.11u and has hotspot2.0 subscription, it will discover and connect automatically like cellular-roaming. HS2 networks provide stringent security methods using WPA-2 encryption that lets you connect to public hotspots without any fear of malicious intrusion into your network.
How to connect to hotspot 2.0 Networks
Enable the hotspot 2.0 in windows 10. To do so, navigate to start>settings>Network and the Internet>WiFi>Hotspot 2.0 Networks and turn-On the hotspot.
Step 2
Search for any HS2 WiFi Networks in Range and download its profile and fill the required credentials.
A communication occurs between your device and hotspot over ANQP protocol. All the credentials are validated.
After successful validation of credentials, your device will be connected to HS2.
Windows 10 signup process is used only once and you will be automatically connected to the passpoint next time when it comes in your device’s range. |
Video: Watch Demo on how to connect to Boingo passpoint.
Wrapping Up
Most of the Wi-Fi hotspots available are still not HS2 enabled since it is a new technology but once you have registered with the hotspot service provider, you will enjoy a hassle free and secure connection automatically. Apart from Windows 10 OS, hotspot 2.0 is available on Apple 10.9, Android 6.0 OS and iOS 7 or later.
There are already a number of hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi networks available and it might take some more time when the HS2.0 will be common at public places like coffee-shops, airports, shopping malls, hotels or parks. If you have used hotspot 2.0 kindly share your experience in the comments section below.
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